AD Concert Band

Forthcoming Events

To receive regular updates about our forthcoming events, please request to join our mailing list.

'Animal Magnetism' - Spring Concert at St Philips Church, Dorridge, B93 8DX - Saturday 5th April 2025, 3pm.

Following the success of our concert in Dorridge last Autumn, we will play once more in this splendid modern church with its fine acoustics and excellent facilities.
Again, the proceeds will support local charity Age UK Solihull.
The music will be based around the theme of animals, and will cover many genres.
Admission will cost £8 in advance or £10 on the door and free for under 18s.
Please Click here to purchase your tickets.

Summer Band Stands - Bromsgrove, Stratford and Droitwich.

The band is expected to play in Stratford, Bromsgrove and Droitwich Band Stands over the summer, following successful recent visits. Droitwich is fixed for 22nd June, Stratford is fixed for 13th July. The date for Bromsgrove is still top be confirmed.

Ilmington Show - Bank Holiday Monday, 25th August 2025.

The band will return to the Ilmington Show on the August Bank holiday, where AD Band have performed nearly every year for the past 27 years. The band will provided music at various times of the day, while other entertainments and activities take place.

Autumn Concert at St Philips, Dorridge, 27th September 2025.

We are planning a further concert in St Philips Church, Dorridge for the Autumn on 27th September.
The theme of the concert is yet to be decided, but the proceeds will again support local charity Age UK Solihull.
Further details will be available soon.